Naam auteur: Daniëlle

Daniëlle met muts op aan de studie

The experiment continues

Daniëlle met muts op aan de studie

 en plannen blijven veranderen…

Nu ik dit schrijf denk ik trouwens dat het experiment de rest van mijn leven duurt en eigenlijk al mijn hele leven bezig is. Alleen voelt het nu anders.

Anders omdat ik gevoelsmatig uit het systeem ben gestapt waar ik mijn hele leven in zat. Het systeem van regelmaat, de klok, verwachtingen en een veilig gevoel boven echt gaan doen wat bij me past.
En zal ik iets leuks vertellen? Voorheen stond ik áltijd in de verkeerde rij bij de kassa. Nu sta ik nooit meer in de verkeerde rij.

Nou goed, de herfst was aangebroken en ik ging op zoek naar mogelijkheden voor de winter.

Om te beginnen had ik besloten nog een seizoen camping te doen. Afgelopen seizoen was een rollercoaster. Nieuwe leefomgeving, wonen op m’n werk (wtf?), totaal ander ritme. Veel geleerd, qua gevoel en emoties van alles ontdekt en de campingeigenaren en ik leerden elkaar ook in rap tempo beter kennen. Het was zoeken naar wat goed werkt voor alle drie.
Ik ben heel benieuwd naar komend seizoen.

In m’n originele plannen van een vrij bestaan zou ik de zomers in Nederland doorbrengen en de winters op een warmere plek. 

Leuk bedacht, dat liep dus meteen al anders!

Ik ging op zoek naar betaalbaar onderkomen en besloot in Frankrijk te blijven om de taal beter te leren.
Ik vond twee leuke appartementjes en na wat feestjes in Nederland in november reed ik zo zuidelijk als mogelijk was op het Franse vasteland. 20 minuten van de Spaanse grens, in de heuvels iets ten zuidwesten van Perpignan, uitzicht op de Pyreneeën. 😍

Hier begon een nieuw experiment. Ik zou tot april helemaal alleen zijn, zat vol plannen en doelen. Wat zou daarvan terecht komen?
Ik had m’n doelen netjes ingedeeld in categorieën en ik had nagedacht over mijn ideale dagindeling 🤣. Want ik wilde zoveel mogelijk uit deze bijzondere periode halen en daar had je toch een ritme voor nodig?

Die dagindeling liet ik al gauw varen. Ik merkte dat ik liever langer aan iets doorwerk dan steeds te “moeten” wisselen. Er zat geen moeten bij natuurlijk, ik had het allemaal zelf bedacht.
Ook het op tijd opstaan liet ik gaan. Vaak voelde ik juist ‘s avonds de rust om ergens helemaal in te duiken en ja, dan kon het maar zo één uur ‘s nachts worden voordat ik op bed lag.
Toch had ik hier een behoorlijk oordeel over, want zo hoort het toch niet? Je hoort op tijd op te staan om zoveel mogelijk uit je dag te halen.
Het duurde even voordat ik doorhad, ik zit lekker in mijn vel en geloof dat ik mijn ritme heb gevonden én geaccepteerd. Wat eigenlijk betekent dat er weinig ritme is. Ik volg mijn gevoel met wat verstand.

Die warmte in het zuiden viel best tegen trouwens. Ja de zon schijnt hier vaker dan in Nederland, maar ook hier wordt het best koud. Helaas. Nou ja, dan maar met een muts op aan de studie.

Vertel eens, wat zou je van me willen weten? Waar ben je nieuwsgierig naar? Misschien schrijf ik een volgende keer wel een stukje speciaal voor jou!

#inspiratie #virtualventure #doelen

The experiment continues Meer lezen »

Danielle lachend met dienblad

Zomer in Frankrijk

Mijn experimentele fase van het leven was begonnen. En wat voelde dat vrij zeg!

Als kind begon ik me te beseffen dat m’n hele leven eigenlijk al was vastgelegd in fases. Je wordt geboren, gaat naar verschillende scholen, je gaat werken, met wat geluk heb je nog wat jaren pensioen en dan ga je dood. 

Dat was tenslotte wat ik om me heen zag gebeuren en hoe het me geleerd werd.

Van dit idee werd ik niet heel vrolijk, maar ik zag ook niet hoe ik dat anders kon aanpakken. 

Gelukkig maakt de tijd en het leven je wijzer.

En zo bracht ik afgelopen zomer vrij spontaan op ’n camping in Frankrijk door.

Ik was enthousiast, zou nieuwe mensen ontmoeten, nieuwe dingen leren, geïnspireerd worden, genieten van de mooie omgeving en de rust die daar heerst. 
En lekker aan de slag gaan met Virtual Venture…

De weken gingen voorbij. Ik werd ingewerkt in de receptie en bar, onderhoud van het zwembad en sanitair, ik leerde de camping langzaamaan beter kennen. 
Zonder enige horeca ervaring kwam ik erachter dat ik de bediening super leuk vind, net als de hectische drukte achter de bar en in de keuken. Wie had dat gedacht?

Voordat ik het wist was het volop zomer en bleek er amper tijd te zijn om ook maar even voor de ontspanning een boek te lezen. Laat staan ervoor te zorgen dat ik klanten kreeg.

In de beginweken volgde ik nog de Business-5-daagse van Natuurlijk Online tijdens mijn lunch. Want ik wilde toch écht technisch VA worden en op deze manier kon ik mooi meekijken achter de schermen van diverse systemen. 

Maar de cursus HTML5 en CSS3 bleef liggen nadat ik hoofdstuk 1 had gelezen.

Al gauw leefden we met de dag

 en nadat ik mijn lesje loslaten had geleerd genoot ik daar met volle teugen van. Dit was een compleet nieuwe ervaring voor me. We hadden afgesproken dat ik tot november op de camping zou blijven, daarna was het leeg in mijn hoofd. Niks concreets. 
Niks engs ook trouwens. Ik wist, als het zover is, dan komt er een idee. Desnoods bracht ik nóg een winter in een caravan door. Maar liever niet.

We hebben keihard gewerkt elke dag, om alles elke keer weer op tijd af te hebben voor nieuwe gasten, of de mensen die gezellig op ons terras kwamen eten en drinken. 

Tussen het harde werken door was het ook elke dag een beetje vakantie. ‘s Middags even bijkomen in de hangmat, afkoelen in het zwembad of in het meer, een geintje of spelletje met de kleintjes, een onverwacht goed gesprek, of aan het einde van de avond met een biertje in de hand ontspannen bij het kampvuur met de gasten.

De zomer liep ten einde en de rust keerde terug op de camping. Net als in mijn hoofd en lijf. Er kwam ruimte voor ideeën en ik besloot dat ik het verdiend had de winter door te brengen tussen stenen muren. Op een plek waar de lente weer lekker vroeg begint. 

Mijn experimentele fase was nog niet ten einde…

#virtualventure #inspiratie #technischva

Zomer in Frankrijk Meer lezen »

Aankomst camping Frankrijk


Aankomst camping Frankrijk

“Soms moet je in het diepe springen en veiligheid loslaten… Maar dat is gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan.”

Ruim een jaar geleden zag ik een oproep op Facebook. Ik werd gelijk enthousiast, maar veiligheid zat me nog in de weg.

Twee Nederlanders zochten hulp bij het runnen van hun camping in de Corrèze en daarbij klushanden en groene vingers. Kost en inwoning stond hier tegenover.
Ik zag het al helemaal voor me. Dit bericht was aan mij geschreven!

Maar ja, ik had een plan en dit paste daar niet in. Ik liet het voor wat het was.

Een maand later zag ik de oproep weer. Dit kon geen toeval zijn… Ze hadden nog niemand gevonden. Op de verjaardag van mijn neefje vertelde ik erover aan mijn zus. Er luisterden wat mensen mee en ook zij zeiden, “Dit past echt bij jou, moet je doen!”
Ja, hoe dan? Baan opzeggen, huur opzeggen, niet al te veel spaargeld, nog geen klanten met Virtual Venture en waar moest ik heen na de zomer…? Alles bij elkaar voelde iets te spannend.

Onderweg naar huis was ik in gedachten de auto aan het inpakken. Wat ging er mee naar Frankrijk? Ik werd blij van deze gedachten en moest lachen om mezelf.

Thuis heb ik een mail geschreven aan Bas en Monique. Als het niet zou klikken dan was het meteen klaar en kon ik het uit mijn hoofd zetten.
Maar het liep anders.

Eind van die week zat ik met Monique  in een restaurant. Die was net weer open na een lockdown. Kon geen toeval zijn toch? Toevallig moest ik in Brabant zijn voor het afronden van m’n VA-opleiding en was Monique daar ook die week. We hadden een klik en hebben non-stop zitten ratelen tijdens het eten.

De lesdag erna ging over je doelen voor het komende jaar. Maar ik was volledig aan het stuiteren, niks stond meer vast. “Jij gaat naar Frankrijk” zeiden er een aantal lachend. Ik wist het zelf nog niet.

Er volgde een online kennismaking met Bas en eind februari stapte ik met ’n vriendin in de auto richting camping. Eens even ervaren daar. En ook dat beviel me goed.

Shit. Nu moest er binnen korte tijd een beslissing genomen worden, wilde ik daar komende zomer mee kunnen draaien. Ik sloeg weer aan het rekenen, zette voors en tegens in lijstjes en bedacht me wat er nodig was om te kunnen gaan.
Na het organiseren van een wereldreis bleek dit een peulenschil en ik besloot veiligheid letterlijk van m’n valkuilenlijstje weg te strepen. In plaats daarvan waagde ik de sprong en diende ik mijn ontslag in.

Wat was het ergste wat me kon overkomen? 

Dat ik blut naar huis kwam en weer een baan moest zoeken. Zover zou ik het niet laten komen. Het leek me een goede motivatie lekker aan de slag te gaan. En zo geschiedde.

Begin juni reed ik met een blij en trots gevoel in een volgeladen auto naar Frankrijk. De impuls van mijn hart achterna. Spijt heb ik nooit gehad en het gevoel van vrijheid wat ik sindsdien ervaar is groter dan ooit.

Wanneer heb jij besloten je intuïtie te volgen en wat heeft het je gebracht? Lijkt me leuk om te lezen!

#inspiratie #virtualventure #motivatie

Toeval? Meer lezen »

Daniëlle in hangmat bij stacaravan in Frankrijk

Een nieuw begin

Daniëlle in hangmat bij stacaravan in Frankrijk

Daar zat ik dan. Hartje winter in een slecht geïsoleerde stacaravan. Slechts een aanhanger vol aan eigen spullen. Moe van het geregel van de scheiding en verhuizing, een kapotte motorfiets, zonder auto en amper 2000 euro op mijn rekening.

Bijna elke ochtend door weer en wind een kwartier op de fiets naar de bushalte om op mijn werk te komen en dan nog een keer overstappen. Niet fijn.

En toch voelde ik me goed.

De caravan was gemeubileerd, dus op wat schoonmaakwerk na kon ik er zo in. Het was er vaak koud, maar daar leerde ik mee omgaan. Bovendien had ik op reis veel armoedige situaties gezien en dan viel mijn situatie echt reuze mee. Toch? Ik had mezelf een jaar de tijd gegeven iets beters te regelen.
De caravan stond op een heerlijk rustig plekje, geen verkeer voor mijn deur, vogels en uitzicht in overvloed. En ik had nog nooit zo dicht bij werk gewoond.

Ik kon er ontspannen en reflecteren en er ontstond al vrij snel nieuwe energie. Ik begon te fantaseren over mijn toekomst en daar bleef het niet alleen bij.
Tijdens de voorbereidingen voor de wereldreis had ik hier ook al naar gezocht. Hoe zou ik langer of vaker kunnen reizen zonder geldzorgen? Gaan wanneer ik wil, zonder toestemming te hoeven vragen en zonder perse terug te moeten zijn op een vooraf vastgestelde datum?
Hoe kon ik mijn leven gaan leven zoals ik eigenlijk al 20 jaar wilde? Nu was mijn kans.

Dat gevoel van de wereld aan mijn voeten hebben liggen was geweldig! Tijd voor actie dus!

Ik bracht inzicht aan in mijn financiën, ik onderzocht mogelijkheden een online onderneming te beginnen en na een paar maanden kon ik een autootje kopen. Dat maakte mijn leven weer een stukje onafhankelijker. Heerlijk.
Ik startte een opleiding bij de VA Business Academy. Hier leerde ik o.a. hoe ik met mijn eigen kwaliteiten een succesvolle onderneming op kon zetten en dan ook nog iets kon doen waar ik blij van werd. Als bonus leerde ik allemaal fijne mensen kennen met soortgelijke wensen als ik.

Ik had een plan en was daar flink mee aan de slag. Mijn focus lag op mijn onderneming opbouwen. Een verhuizing zat er nog even niet in.
Begin 2022 had ik mezelf weer een jaar de tijd gegeven. Dit keer om voldoende inkomen te verdienen met Virtual Venture. Eind 2022 zou ik dan mijn baan opzeggen, waar ik me steeds benauwder in ging voelen.
Want dat was de logische en veilige route, zo had ik bedacht…

En dat brengt me weer bijna terug bij mijn Ik vertrek! bericht van een aantal weken geleden.

De zomer van 2022 zat ik in een stacaravan. Maar nu in Frankrijk! Daarover volgende keer meer.

Heb jij wel eens iets in ‘onlogische’ volgorde gedaan waarvan je achteraf blij bent dat het toch zo gelopen is?

#virtualventure #onlineondernemen #technischva #inspiratie #nieuwestart

Een nieuw begin Meer lezen »

Inspiratie tekst op muur. Let the light in the heart illuminate the road ahead. To guide you to go on bravely

Diverse eindes…

Aan de wereldreis kwam dus abrupt een einde.
M’n schoonvader lag op sterven. Gelukkig waren we net op tijd terug om hem nog even ademend te zien. Zijn leven kwam ten einde de volgende ochtend en na de begrafenis begon de eerste lock-down.

Onze vrijheid zoals we die gewend waren was ook acuut ten einde. Van ultieme vrijheid naar ultiem opgesloten voor mijn gevoel.

Ons bed stond in die periode bij mijn vader op zolder. Dat hadden we voor vertrek zo afgesproken en waren we natuurlijk hartstikke blij mee. 1 mei 2020 kwam er een einde aan het onbetaald verlof en net ervoor waren we naar een appartementje verhuisd.

Stukjes uit mijn schrijven van die tijd:

“De weken thuis voelde alsof ik mijn tijd zat te verdoen. Van de twaalf en halve maand die ik vrij was, waarin ik het grootste avontuur van mijn leven beleefde en waar heeeel rap een einde aan kwam, waren nog maar een paar weken over. Weken die ik graag had gevuld met vrienden en familie zien, gezelligheid, een relaxt einde aan de reis maken. Ik was aardig in paniek denk ik, maar kon er ook niets aan veranderen. Het was wat het was. En het was kut.”

“Ik had niet mijn eigen plek, niet mijn eigen spullen, ik kon nergens heen, niemand zien, niemand knuffelen, met niemand over de reis praten en wat dat met me had gedaan.”

“Dat eerste weerzien had fijn moeten zijn. Nu is dat ongemakkelijk en pijnlijk. Als we iemand al te zien krijgen. Iedereen voelt verder weg dan toen we op reis waren. Van enorme vrijheid zijn we beland in beperkingen die ik mijn hele leven nog niet ervaren heb. En ik ook nooit meer hoop te ervaren. Ik deins achteruit als ik iemand tegenkom. Afschuwelijk. Dat wil ik helemaal niet. Straks word ik nog contactgestoord…”

Dat laatste is gelukkig niet gebeurd. Wel kwam er driekwart jaar na thuiskomst ook een einde aan onze relatie. De reis had me voorgoed veranderd (of was ik meer mezelf geworden?) en ik was toe aan een volledig nieuw begin.

Als jij opnieuw kon beginnen, wat zou je dan doen?

#virtualventure #onlineondernemen #technischva #vrijheid #inspiratie

Diverse eindes… Meer lezen »

Uitzicht en inzicht bergen Pamir Highway

Ik wil vliegen

Vliegen vanuit mijn hart. Vliegen naar onbekende landen en onbekende mensen. Vliegen naar nieuwe ervaringen, geuren en inspiratie. Ik wil leven, leren, genieten en me vrij voelen. 

Ik had besloten, ik ging op wereldreis.

Het was einde zomer 2017 en ik vertelde mijn vriend; “ik ga op wereldreis, ga je mee?” Hij zei direct ja en in de anderhalf jaar die volgden werden plannen gesmeed, informatie vergaard, motorfietsen vervangen en aangepast, trainingen gevolgd, spullen gekocht, verkocht en opgeslagen, een jaar onbetaald verlof geregeld, huur opgezegd en 1 mei 2019 zou het grote vertrek plaatsvinden.

Niet dus. Een flinke griep gooide roet in het eten. De eerste boodschap die de reis ons gaf: ook al heb je nog zo’n mooie planning, het leven komt zoals het komt.
Ons vertrek werd uitgesteld tot 3 mei.
De reis heeft 10 maanden mogen duren en stopte (helaas abrupt) in Thailand op 9 maart 2020.

Heb ik alles gevoeld en gevonden waar ik naar op zoek was? Jazeker! Plus nog veel meer. Het was absoluut geen vakantie en het was vaak harder werken dan ik ooit in loondienst heb afgezien. Maar de uitzichten en inzichten die ik ervoor heb teruggekregen waren alles dubbel en dwars waard.

Vaak voelde ik me een toeschouwer vanaf mijn troon, kijkend in de levens van de mensen waar ik vluchtig aan voorbij reed. Al rijdend en mijmerend veranderde mijn definitie van de term vrijheid. En ben ik nog meer gaan waarderen dat ik mijn leven kan leven onder mijn voorwaarden en als mijn volledige zelf.
Dat er niemand is die mij vertelt hoe ik me moet gedragen of wat ik moet geloven. En dat ik mag motorrijden of op straat aan een ijsje mag likken zonder opgepakt te worden.

Als je alle vrijheid had, waar zou jij heen vliegen?

#vrijheid #virtualventure #onlineondernemen #technischva

Ik wil vliegen Meer lezen »

Myanmar, a mental vacation

It’s unbelievable. Here I am, sitting at my dad’s dinner table. I never expected to be writing this story from home. But it is the way it is. Myanmar seems very far away now, but here we go.

Our journey through Myanmar started on the 8th of January, early in the morning. We met Dirk and Tina, our German travel mates for the coming week on the Indian border. They were traveling for seven months at the time, with their campervan.
Myanmar is a country where they make you travel with a guide. Otherwise you’re not allowed to ride or drive your own vehicle. It’s a very expensive way to travel. To share some of the costs we teamed up with Dirk and Tina. And we choose the quickest way to cross Myanmar, also to be on time to meet our friend Miranda in Laos. This meant a lot of riding and not much sightseeing.
This isn’t the way we chose to travel in the first place, but a guided tour has some advantages as well. As it turned out…
After shaking hands with Dirk and Tina on the Indian side of the border, we met again on the Myanmar side, together with Zaw, our guide and Than, the driver. We only had to show our passports and visas. All the vehicle papers had been arranged already. After a short talk they told us the route for today and we took off. Each on our own. Great.
The roads were good and we crossed many bridges. They were quite challenging at times, as we were trying to avoid the wheel-wide gaps in between the planks.
First impressions about Myanmar were great. After being in India for quite some time we noticed people are more calm and they approach you in a friendly manner. They’re also more polite in traffic, which was a true welcome! We weren’t used to that anymore and we were pleasantly surprised about getting right of way. Or when people waited for us to pass by. Another great thing we noticed during lunch: much more vegetables! Wow, we missed some variety in our meals, after all the veg or non-veg meals.
We didn’t have to ride too far, only 139 kilometer, from Moreh border to Kalemyo. There we met Crystal from the travel company. She handed us some gifts and most importantly, sim-cards. Very convenient, mainly because this way we could share our live location with the guides and ride at our own pace. No Pakistan déjà-vus.
We shared the meal together with our new company and of course, a beer or two. Getting to know each other a little better. We didn’t have a beer since Nepal, so this is worth mentioning, I reckon.
The next morning we got up early and after breakfast we headed for Bagan. We had the longest day of riding ahead of us, 408 kilometer. We were the first to park for lunch at the restaurant where we would meet the others too, when I noticed some wetness underneath the motorbike. It didn’t take me long to see where it was coming from. Because of all the bumpy roads, the exhaust pipe had come a little loose, and was leaning on one of the cooling hoses. But here’s the benefits of a booked tour, before we knew the guides had called a mechanic. While we enjoyed the lunch, they were working on the motorbike, replacing the hose and liquid.
In the end it cost us an hour or two and we arrived at our luxury hotel after sunset. We quickly changed clothes and dined with entertainment in a beautiful garden.

After a very luxurious breakfast we took a little time to be a tourist. After all, we were in Bagan, one of the former capitals of Myanmar and famous for its numerous amount of centuries old temples and stupas. We walked around, took pictures and left for our 265 kilometer ride of that day. Klaas had discovered his centre stand was coming loose. So while we had lunch in Meiktila, Klaas his centre stand was being taken care of at a motorcycle workshop, pointed out by the guides. We continued and climbed from the plains to about 1400 meter altitude. Views were beautiful and with the sun starting to set we took advantage of traveling with companions. Dirk took some pictures of us, which we put on our website and Facebook later. We stayed at the Hill Top View Hotel that night, in Kalaw. With the last moments of the setting sun at one side and the full moon rising on the other, it was quite a nice view indeed.

Saturday, the 11th of January, was a relatively short day’s ride, only 191 kilometers to Nansang. We came across stalls with fresh strawberries, which we couldn’t resist. We bought a small bucket and after the break we took what was left of it with us. I took a much needed nap at our hotel before dinner. Even though the atmosphere was relaxed, we got up quite early every day and had long riding days. I had been very much looking forward to some company, after all these pretty “lonely” weeks in India. Luckily, we had a good time with Dirk and Tina.

There isn’t really much to tell about the next riding day. 331 kilometers to Kengtung. We left seven thirty in the morning and arrived in the darkness. We did take time to take some pictures though, and enjoy a good lunch. It was the last full day of riding together. Because on Monday, we would cross the border into Thailand and each continue our separate journey.
We had quite a busy schedule on the 13th: three countries and two border crossings in one day! But first, 158 kilometers to the Thailand border. We’d said goodbye and good luck to Dirk and Tina the night before. They left a few hours before we did, and we already left at six thirty in the morning! Zaw and Than were right behind us, to make sure we would get through several checkpoints easily and out of Myanmar. They succeeded and on the Thai side we were awaited by Noi and Sandy.
We had sent them a huge pile of papers before, to cross Thailand into Laos according to the rules. In only three hours. Once we got in, first stop was an ATM. To pay the women a shit load of money. I didn’t get more than we needed to pay them, to not be left with a currency we weren’t able to use by the end of the day. But Noi was so kind to give us back some change, so we could get a drink. And so we did. On the way to Laos we came across The Golden Triangle. This is where the Mekong and Ruak rivers come together and you can see Thailand, Myanmar and Laos at the same time. We took a short break, ate and drank coconut(juice) and an ice cream and walked around in the touristy area in between buddhas, food stalls and many other tourists, enjoying the views over the rivers.
But we still had another border to cross that day, so we continued riding. Because it all followed in quick succession, we had not prepared this one very well. And we were screwed over, for € 60,- per motorcycle by the tourist police.
By the time we were at the Laos border of Ban Houayxay it was about 4 o’clock. We were tired and a little hungry. I needed a short break. After getting the visa we spent our last Thai Baht on cold coke and some snacks and sat down on the curb next to our motorbikes. At some point an officer came towards us, telling us we needed to talk with the tourist police. Sigh… Alright. He took us to an office with two other men. According to their story, also Laos had a law which obliged us to book a tour and a guide. But because we didn’t have, he would write us a “statement”. Whenever we would be stopped over by police, we could show this document and we would be fine. I didn’t believe one word of his story, but there was no room for argument. And as my patience and energy was drained already, I was even so stupid to tell him we had two motorbikes. So that cost us two times 60 euro! Tsjing tsjing! After telling them “enjoy your dinner and beers with our money tonight” we quickly left for the last passport check and rode into Laos. Lesson learned, we’d better do our homework next time.

Even though we would have made different choices this week, when we would have traveled alone, we did enjoy not having to look for a place to sleep every night ourselves. We enjoyed the luxury breakfasts, the comfortable rooms and not having to think about which road to take today, or think ahead for a few days. Even though it was a physical challenge with all the riding we did in a short period, we’ve been on a sort of mental vacation this week.

Originally posted: April 27th 2020

Myanmar, a mental vacation Meer lezen »

Nepal, hidden treasures

Nepal, wow! And we haven’t even seen the best parts yet I think. As Klaas hit the asphalt just before we entered Nepal we couldn’t do a trekking, which was high on our wishlist.
And also our week of reflection in a nice and quiet place was not meant to be.
But Nepal has enough to offer to still have a nice time for the 30 days we had.

Crossing the border from India was pretty easy. After we had crossed the Banbasa Barrage over the Kali river we had to search a bit for the right offices. But nobody wanted us to open any bags, or asked difficult questions. The Nepal immigration office, where we had to buy our visa, also functioned as a money exchange. That was convenient. The first stop after we entered was the IME office, to buy a SIM. While I was arranging this, Klaas took out his rear wheel. The rear brake had started to make a lot of noise since the crash in India. Crossing borders makes you hungry, so with the wheel back in place and being able to get online again we had lunch at the neighbours. Our first samosa, triangled fried dough with a filling.
After all this we rode to the tiger’s den. We’d found a beautiful, peaceful ecolodge at the edge of Bardia National Park. The Mango Tree lodge would be our holiday spot for the next week.
The 19th of November we didn’t do much. We slept long, had breakfast around lunchtime, enjoyed a book while sitting in the sun with shorts (that was a long time ago!) and in the evening we played the card game Kwatro at the campfire. With a beer. That had also been a while ago.

Doing “nothing” can be so nice! And yet the day goes by pretty fast. In the evening of the second quiet day, again at the campfire, we had a chat with our host Rajen about Nepalese culture and religion and the like. It became a bit creepy, because he told us about exorcism and taking over someone’s body, which he had witnessed. About the pleasing of spirits who can’t cross and have all kinds of demands for the relatives through witch doctors. And last but not least, about snake bites and venom suckers. Which is still believed to be the cure.
We would go into the jungle with him for two days. I was curious what stories would be told at that campfire…
But the two day safari we were going to do had to wait another day. Rajen wanted us to have the best possible experience and didn’t think that would be possible with twenty other people at the campsite. So we had a third quiet day at the beautiful garden of the lodge and I was happy to walk around with my camera. Trying to “catch” some of the huge butterflies. I failed.
For the late afternoon we were invited by Rajen to join dinner at the house of his mother-in-law. Her husband had died 20 years ago and they had to do a ritual to keep his spirit happy. Afterwards they would kill a goat and have a meal with the family. Luckily, when we arrived, the goat had already become a meal. Blessed by the mother-in-law, she put some yellow rice on our foreheads, and with her wish that we would see tigers tomorrow, we came back to the lodge.

Instead of a lazy day, we had to get up early the next morning. Breakfast at seven, loading the jeep at eight and leaving shortly after. It was only a short ride to the national park. We were dropped off together with Rajen and a park ranger, Mahendra. The other guys took the jeep and started preparing camp and dinner.
Because Klaas was still in pain from the crash, we had a somewhat adjusted program. We only had to walk short distances, then we could sit down and try to spot animals. The jeep would come back a little later, so we could go to the next spot. This would be the plan for the next two days. The first day we were really lucky. We’ve seen a crocodile, rhino, python, colorful insects, a monkey every now and then, a jackal, peacocks and some other unfamiliar birds, and a lot of deer. Apparently five kinds live in the park. We saw three and heard the fourth while staring over a wide piece of land, with a river flowing through, close to our campsite. Rajen and Mahendra became focused immediately, because the call we heard was because a tiger came close to this deer. Unfortunately we didn’t see one. Yet.
At the campsite the guys had prepared well. They collected wood to make a few campfires, to keep the animals away. They put up the tents and made our beds. They cooked a three course meal! And we had cold beers. It was a relaxed and fun night. Luckily without any frightening stories. Once again we heard the call of the deer pretty close by, but by then it was already dark…
The next morning we went back to our viewpoint over the river. While we sat on the lookout for tigers, breakfast was brought by one of the guys. I like camping this way! No cooking, no dishes. Just the fun bits.
After a while we left for the next spot. We sat for a long time when we heard we had to be there a little longer. The guys had taken the jeep to break up camp, but the jeep had broken down and they were waiting for a mechanic. Bummer, lunch was in that car too! But thanks to modern technology, Rajen was able to call his brother-in-law, who also happened to be in the park. He brought us lunch.
And thanks to all this waiting and staring through the binoculars we were rewarded by a swimming tiger! Rajen jumped up, ran towards us and was really excited, saying “tiger, tiger!” and pointing. I didn’t know where to look, so I asked where? Finally he said, “In the water!” and then we saw it too. It was crossing the water and had to swim. This apparently was very unusual for this time of year, because of the lower temperatures. Once again, we were lucky.
The car was still having problems, but time had come for us to leave the park. So we decided to collect our stuff and started walking. Every time we heard a car we hoped we could get a ride. Finally we got the call that the car was fixed and they were headed towards us. We found each other and went to pick up the boys. They’d been waiting at a watch tower with all the camping and cooking gear. Now we had to drive back, with all this stuff and eight people including the mechanic. It was a fun drive and we only had to stop once. Because one of the guys lost his outside the car dangling flip flop…
Back at the lodge, we had an entertaining evening. First we had dinner with four Dutch students, who did research in the area. Later at the campfire we had nice conversations with a befriended family of Rajen. One of their boys worked in Portugal and was visiting his brother and parents. Together they were traveling in Nepal.
After another calm day at the lodge we had a party in the evening. People playing guitar, singing, dancing and a lot of fun.
On the morning of 25 November it was time to say goodbye to Rajen and the others. Almost all day we rode through, or alongside national parks. A lot of green. And a lot of warnings for elephants, leopards and tigers. We didn’t see any of these, but we did see some crocodiles in and next to a river. And a wild boar with two kids.
It took us two days to get to Pokhara. A little outside the city we found a nice place with traditional clay houses, in between the high concrete buildings. Our first mission was to check out a yoga retreat centre. It was within walking distance from our accommodation. But it didn’t feel right and we couldn’t get there with the motorbikes. So we decided to leave it and try to find another place later. The rest of the day we enjoyed the Phewa lake views, fresh juices and walked around in Pokhara city centre.
Why do people come to Nepal?? To see those massive white giants of course. But it wasn’t our time yet.
We decided to rent bicycles and explore Pokhara for a bit. First stop was Devi’s fall, on one side of the road. The river goes underground at this waterfall and at the other side of the road they build a temple inside a cave. So that was stop number two. Not really impressive, but nice to see. After lunch we went to the International Mountain Museum. This was interesting. A very diverse museum with information about (the first) climbing expeditions, materials they used then and now, but also nature and life of locals and much more. The part that I think was most impressive is about a mountain cleaning expedition. It’s ridiculous how much trash they brought down the mountain. Empty oxygen tanks, empty gas (cooking) tanks, tents and all kinds of other climbing material.
On our way back we bought new mirrors for my motorbike. Even the non-repaired one had fallen off now. We had dinner at a Korean barbecue restaurant and enjoyed an Everest beer. At least this way we could look at the mountain…
On Sunday 30 November we wanted to exit Pokhara and visit the World Peace Pagoda. We had been staring at it for a few days now, standing on top of a hill above the lake. Being higher up, we hoped to see a little bit of the Annapurna mountain range.
We packed our bags, checked out and started riding. Pokhara was still quiet, although a little more than the other days… At one of the bigger crossings we were stopped by the police. It appeared it was election day and we weren’t allowed to go out of town until after five o’clock. What?? Why didn’t our joints smoking lazybones host tell us? I grumbled some angry words while turning the motorbike around. When I looked up I was totally amazed by the view. There they were! These amazingly looking white peaks in a beautiful blue sky. Wow! I forgot everything else. My new mission was taking pictures of this wonder.
Klaas was a little more sane and we took a right turn at another crossing. After talking to the police officers they let us through. I took some pictures and we continued towards Kathmandu. It was really special, riding at almost sea level, seeing those 7000+ meter high giants for real and in my new, vibration free mirrors all day long. That evening we slept in a bamboo hut next to the river. Sounds idyllic, and the beautiful colours of the sunset reflecting in the water were. But unfortunately it was disco night for the local youth.
We arrived early in Kathmandu the next day. We walked around the city, with its impressive old architecture that survived the 2015 earthquake. But we have also seen a lot of damaged or collapsed buildings. Everywhere you look in the area, people are still rebuilding. A lot of buildings still stand only because of support beams. It’s an interesting city to walk around, even though there’s so much traffic and motorbikes parked everywhere.
I liked the old building style of the houses, with the small doors at the bottom where little shops are hidden. And you stumble over the Hindu shrines and (Buddhist) temples.
On the morning of 2 December we got up early. We thought we had booked a guided food tour, a walk through the city and in the meanwhile try different local dishes. But somehow there was a misunderstanding with a special twist. Two guys took us to Durban Square (durban means palace). We walked in between the temple ruins, still standing temples and saw the palace of the king. And the guys gave us lots of information. After a while it became clear this wasn’t what we expected and we ate breakfast somewhere on top of a building, overlooking the square and surroundings. Unfortunately again no mountains because they were covered with a thick layer of smog.
After breakfast we walked to the house of Kumari, a living goddess. I didn’t know much about this yet and was excited to hear she would make her appearance at the window today. How many people get to experience this in their life? To see a living goddess? I must say I’m not a believer of any god, and I’m amazed more and more about the, sorry to say this, crazy rituals people make up to honour their god(s), or declare normal things holy. In Hinduism they have 33.000.000 gods! Having said that, apparently this was our lucky day. After waiting for a few minutes, a 6 year old girl appeared at the window. I was in total shock. I’d expected an adult woman… Our guides told us her feet can not touch the ground, so she’s carried everywhere she goes. Not that she goes out a lot, only on certain occasions. And she does not go to school, but receives education in the palace. Let’s hope she gets her first period soon. It is believed that the goddess vacates her body than, and she can start her next life.
After visiting a museum about the consequences of the earthquake, our guided tour was over and Klaas and I finished the walking tour we’d started the day before. In the afternoon we treated ourselves with a 2-hour deep tissue massage.
After a quiet day at the hostel, doing some small jobs on the motorcycle, applying for the Myanmar visa, walking around in the Garden of Dreams and eating pizza with a beer we left Kathmandu the next day.
We know things don’t always go as you expect or hope, but it has been proven again this day. Good things and less good things happen and sometimes even in one day.
Our first mission of this day was buying oil. We have reusable air filters, they suck up dust, so it doesn’t get into the engine. They needed cleaning badly and after, a new spray of oil.
We asked at several (work)shops but nobody had even heard of the stuff. While Klaas was trying at another shop, I “guarded” the motorbikes. A man came towards me and we started talking about our motorbikes and the journey. He showed me his beautifully maintained 1947 Royal Enfield. After a while I asked him if he maybe knew a shop where we could get the oil. He started thinking and then he told me he would go to Thailand the next day. So his next question was: “for how long will you stay in Kathmandu?”. We talked some more and he offered to see if he could buy the oil for us in Bangkok. I asked Vivek why he would do this for a few strangers and he told me it was an honour for him to be able to help us. He was impressed by the fact that we came all the way from The Netherlands on the motorbikes to visit his country. And he knew where The Netherlands are, he’d been there working for a few banks and his wife had done some voluntary work in our country. It’s a small world…
Next on our action list for that day was visiting Durbar square of Patan, just south of Kathmandu. It’s pretty similar, lots of temples, lots of Chinese people, but a lot of miniature wood carving too. Impressive.
After lunch we left for our week of reflection somewhere in the hills of Nagarkot, east of Kathmandu. Klaas found a nice looking website, contacted them by phone and we were optimistic and enthusiastic about this place. They told us to look on google maps for the right address. Obviously we didn’t prepare well enough, because when getting closer there were four locations with the same name. About eight kilometers apart, in mountainous area, with not very good roads. The place wasn’t to be found at the first two locations. The frustration grew, while the sun had started to set. After some difficult telephone contact and vague instructions, we decided to look for another accommodation for the night. By that time it was already dark. We ended up in Bhaktapur where we visited another Durbar square in the evening. Because the websites (yes, there turned out to be more …), telephone numbers, locations and offerings of the company were unclear, we decided to leave it for what it was. Disappointing, because I was really looking forward to a week of meditation, walking and eating healthy in a mountainous area with beautiful views on these magnificent mountains (if the clouds would finally leave again).
So now what?? Our plan for a week had disappeared. The next morning I woke up with a headache, feeling like I was going to be ill. We didn’t want to stay where we were and we didn’t have a new plan yet. We checked out and went to a cafe around the corner for breakfast and some inspiration. In the end we decided to first find a spa and after look for a place to stay closeby. Around lunch time we arrived at an apartment in North Kathmandu. Nobody was there but a friendly neighbour called the owner for us and we were allowed to park the motorbikes inside the gate. The house wasn’t locked, so we could also choose a room and put our stuff inside. Another strange thing at this place, the room wasn’t cleaned yet… So we took the sheets from another room and put it on the bed ourselves.
Afterwards, we walked to the spa. I was feeling better than that morning, but was still looking forward to this day of indulgence.
When we came back to the apartment we met the owner. Friendly guy, and after we asked if it was possible to do laundry the monkey came out of the sleeve, like we say in Dutch. His wife was on holiday in Japan and he didn’t know how to operate the machine. We drank some tea together in his apartment and I explained to him how he could surprise his wife when she came back (read, how to operate the washing machine). We went to bed early and I was really looking forward to the next day. A day where we wouldn’t have to do anything else but relax.
So that’s what we did. Sauna, head- and shoulder massage, a facial with yoghurt, rice, honey, lemon, cucumber and some other funny natural things (Klaas had a hot-stone massage), and again sauna. It felt so good to finally be thoroughly warm again. Even though it didn’t freeze, temperatures weren’t that high, houses aren’t heated, or well isolated and restaurants leave doors and windows open…
On Saturday 7 December we made some new plans for the next few days. We put some chairs outside the freezing cold house, in the sun and started thinking. I didn’t feel like we were making the most out of our visit to Nepal, while I had been looking forward to visiting this country for 20 years. Because Klaas didn’t want to and couldn’t hike, I decided to go by myself. First we found a nice place on top of a hill where Klaas could stay for a few days without being bored. I could do a hike there. Than I found another hotel where I would stay one night and do another day hike.
I felt energized again and just before sunset I decided to get on the motorbike and visit Swayambhu Maha Chaitya, a Buddhist monkey temple overlooking Kathmandu. I enjoyed being on my own again for a while and was looking forward to some more of this in the next few days. The temple was crowded with people and monkeys, but I liked walking around at my own pace, with the camera. When I left I got treated with a beautiful pink orange mountain top in the distance.
We left Kathmandu again, for Dhulikhel. On top of a hill south of this town we had a beautiful view on the surroundings and finally saw the mountains again. We didn’t close the curtains and from our bed we watched the sunrise the next morning. We could also see the birds of prey floating around. Amazing.
That morning I took my camera, water and snacks and started walking. Via small villages and through the hills, towards the monastery of Namobuddha. It was so nice to do some exercise again. And at the same time watch the village life of the Nepalese from close by. I was greeted regularly with a friendly namaste. The monastery was a nice and quiet change from the noisy Hindu temples. When I came back to the hotel I’d walked about 20 kilometers.
The next day I left Klaas behind for another adventure on my own. I went to a hotel close to Nagarkot, a little above Dhulikhel. Hoping for an even better view of the mighty mountains. The ride to get there was a challenge. I turned around regularly, if the trail became too difficult. I didn’t have Klaas to help me lift up the motorbike! In the end I decided to take the long way, which was mainly tarmac, but still quite an amount of sandy roads full of stones. Finally I arrived at the hotel. My first impression wasn’t the best, but I came for the views. Fortunately first impressions aren’t always the right ones. Almost immediately I got into conversation with a couple (American/Thai woman and Nepalese man). When it became cooler and darker a campfire started and people came from everywhere (3 young Nepalese couples, a Japanese man and an American from El Salvador, Andrew). It was a pleasant evening with nice conversations and we all danced to get warm.
In the morning I woke up early, peeked through the window to see if it was worth it to get out of bed for the sunrise. I decided not to and closed my eyes again. After breakfast, with my book outside on the terrace, I started walking along the road until I reached a nature trail. I enjoyed the silence the forest provided. After a short break in the sun I walked back up the hill along the road. Back at the hotel I ate a pancake and chatted a little more with Andrew. He’d also walked and was enjoying a soup. Then finally, just before I had to go back to Dhulikel the clouds started to sink and we could vaguely see the contours of the white giants on the horizon. Because I still had to climb the unpaved, really bumpy hill in Dhulikel I wanted to be back before complete darkness, I had to leave. But I failed. I got lost, was really enjoying riding a curvy road through the forest, which ended in a sandy path. This wasn’t the way I came the day before… Luckily I was able to turn around the motorbike without dropping it. Big plus was, I could do this nice road again! Big disadvantage, I had to climb the hill to the other hotel in darkness anyway. But I made it, without any trouble!
The next day I gave my body some rest. And put pictures of Pakistan online. And the 13th we descended our nice and quiet hill. We had an appointment in the Hyatt Regency in Kathmandu! Vivek had given us a phone call. He’d found the oil we needed for our air filters in Bangkok and was attending a conference where we could meet. So we did. We were allowed to walk to the hall where he would be. All business people of course, chic buffet, white tablecloths. We arrived with our muddy feet wearing a dirty wet rain suit with a runny nose! I felt a tiny bit underdressed. Yes, it rained that day. Quite a lot. Fortunately I was able to keep the motorbike up straight on the slippery mountain path that morning…
We talked for a while and then we left with the plan to ride a beautiful mountain pass. But because of the continuous rain we decided this could wait another day. We found a nice homestay outside Kathmandu, where we got spoiled with milktea and popcorn. Dinner was homemade and grown in their own garden.
Rain was gone the next morning, a little sunshine came through the clouds and we continued over the Tribhuvan Highway. It was still slightly muddy and also a bit bumpy here and there. So we were careful in the corners. But the views were rather nice. Even the white peaks showed themselves for a while. They’re so high up in the sky, I caught myself a few times, looking for them too low on the horizon.
We climbed to 2500 meter altitude and it became quite cold. Only 6 degrees Celsius, brrr. We saw a mixture of pine forest, terrace agriculture and loads of small villages where we crossed the lives of the people. Fires were lit to stay warm, the dishes, clothes washing and often even showers are done at the central tap on the street, with ice cold water…
And we grumble if we don’t have hot water in the hotel again… At least we can shower between four walls, without the whole neighbourhood being able to watch you. And every passerby.
Talking about that, they often use solar water heaters here. Is very handy! Hot water when it was hot outside that day and cold water when temperatures are low. Works a bit the same as motorcycling. In the summer you melt away from the heat of the engine. In the winter you don’t feel any of that warmth as long as you ride…
We were moving eastward again and after getting help from another friendly man, finding some Buddhist prayer flags for us, or actually for a friend at home who can use some support, we left Lahan and crossed the border to India again on 16 December.

Nepal gave us a mixture of Hindu and Buddhist culture, friendly and interested people and I walked through the small villages to see the everyday life in the countryside. We rode some beautiful winding roads in the green jungle like hills where, instead of goats and cows, we saw a lot of monkeys.
We have to come back, when the skies are more clear, and we are fit enough to get higher up on these impressive white giants.

Originally posted: February 24th 2020

Nepal, hidden treasures Meer lezen »

Iran, country of mixed feelings

Here I am, sitting on a couch, two countries away from Iran already, thinking about a way to start writing about it. Iranian music playing in my ears. One of the things I really liked about the country. Same with the sound of the language. Luckily there was much more to like and love, but unfortunately I also felt a lot of unfairness and sadness while we stayed there…

The first day in a new country is always intense. Will the border crossing go well, what will the people be like, will we be able to change or get money, how do they drive, and there’s usually the question, where will we sleep tonight?
It was already dark when we arrived in Bojnurd. Iran is famous for their driving style, so we weren’t too happy to ride in the darkness. It was like riding at the fair. Apparently it doesn’t matter which color your headlights are and if they flash or not. We’ve seen red on the front, blue, purple and green on the front-, or backside. Small or big, one, two, three, a whole cord or nothing at all. And they like to come really close. Which I don’t like when we ride eighty kilometers an hour.
So when we rang the doorbell of the Overland in Iran guesthouse of Mohsen Qomi, we were tired and hungry. We knew about this place before we left home, because of a Facebook group Mohsen started. I had promised him our leftandride sticker for his collection. And once you make a promise… But nobody was there. Now what?
A friendly neighbour was about to help us when we decided to try and call Mohsen. Luckily he answered the phone and would be back within fifteen minutes.

It turned out to be a good choice to stay at his place. Everybody knows in Iran women don’t have the same rights and possibilities as men. And because I didn’t know much about it yet, I was a little nervous moving around in this country. But as soon as we entered Mohsens property, he made us feel at home and I could be myself. No need to cover my hair, no long sleeves.
He had one other guest, Felix from Germany. A young guy with a Honda Africa Twin. We talked about all kinds of things and I became a little less nervous. Mohsen took us shopping
because I needed a hijab and something to cover my behind and in the evening we went to a restaurant for dinner. Even though I was dressed a bit more like the local people, we still drew quite some attention with our blonde (grayish) hair.
One day I worked on the motorbike for a bit. In Ashgabat we took it apart to weld the frame, but with reassembling the guys didn’t have the patience to let me tell them where all the cables should go. So I had to correct that to make everything fit properly again.

Iran is a big country and we wanted to spend about three weeks of our time here. So staring at a large map on the wall we decided, with the help of Mohsen, which route we would follow.
After leaving our marks behind and taking pictures we said goodbye to Mohsen and Felix the next day. Getting out of the city was quite an adventure in itself. We still had to get used to the driving style. Once outside the city I was glad to be able to breathe again only to find out we had forgotten the charger of the laptop. Bummer, now we had to go back and risk our lives again…
But we survived without accidents and it turned out to be a good thing we forgot the charger.

Our plan was to ride to the clouded forest, nearby Golestan National Park, and camp for one night. But we wouldn’t get there before dark, because the sun sets at about 17.30hr.
So we ended up in a nice, traditional guesthouse in a small village. We have again drawn some attention, especially from children. About ten gathered around the motorbikes when Klaas went inside the gate to ask for a room. The lady of the house cooked us a delicious meal.
Three more great things about Iran, hospitality, food and fantastic traditional accommodations.
After breakfast we took off and headed towards the mountains, towards the forest. But the road we took was a little too adventurous for us. Good thing we didn’t go here yesterday. When we were turning the motorbikes around, close to a gas installation, one of the guys working there asked if we wanted tea. They were doing maintenance and just finished their lunch. That was a nice treat.
After we went back to the main road and had to ride back to take another road over the mountains. While climbing the temperature went down and visibility became less. Until we reached 2300 meters and the sun started shining again. We had some beautiful views of the green hills around us, with the big white duvet floating in between, and the blue sky above. When we descended on the other side of the hills, the landscape was completely different. It became drier, browner and more hot.
We still wanted to camp and went for a reservoir lake between the mountains. With only 15 minutes to go before sunset, we stopped along the road to check the map for the right turn. Another thing Iran is famous for, people love to help you. A car stopped next to us and it was obvious this man wanted to help us. Except we didn’t have a problem and we didn’t have much time anymore. But he insisted, even though he barely spoke any English. He called a friend who spoke a little better English and Klaas spoke for at least five minutes with him. We couldn’t get rid of them and I saw the sun set on the horizon. Finally they understood we didn’t need help, or accommodation and we wanted to sleep in our tent. Great, now we had to find the lake and a nice camp spot in the twilight, and pitch our tent in the darkness. But we succeeded and had a nice and quiet evening in beautiful surroundings. Which we only saw the next morning, obviously…
On our way to Isfahan we had to cross a desert again. Luckily this time it was only 37 degrees Celsius. The desert was completely empty, not one dry bush, or camel. Just dried out cracked soil. In the distance some mountains.
Riding through a village we were stopped by a police officer. He couldn’t tell us why he stopped us, but he wanted to see our passports. We had to park the motorbikes in front of an office, outside the gate. I didn’t trust this guy at all. Once inside the gate another guy joined him and they started searching Klaas his pockets and tried to search mine as well. I pulled away and told him he had to explain first why we were stopped. Eventually there were four of them and none could explain to us why. The funny thing was, the guy who had stopped us, now sat mumbling on the side, like he had been punished.
Still they had our passports. In the end they made us fill in some registration form, took pictures of our passports and visas. Then we had to ride our motorbikes inside the gate, so they could check our license plates. Why not walk the 20 meters…? Luckily after 15 minutes of nonsense they gave us back our papers and we could leave without having them asking for money or anything. But still. It took us a lot of time and we hoped we wouldn’t have any more experiences like this.
That night we slept in a traditional clay village in the desert, on top of a roof in some sort of dome. We could park our motorbikes inside in what looked a bit like a living room. Except for the fact there were pebbles on the floor. I like the saying “when is the last time you did something for the first time?”. Well this night it was two things: smoking shisha and showering with salty water.

Our arrival in Isfahan was another good experience. Again I was stressed and frightened riding in the city traffic. But once we arrived at Nargol guesthouse this all disappeared. We felt welcome and at ease straight away with these people and at this peaceful place. But first we had to park our motorbikes… Just look and see for yourself…
Friday in Iran is like the christian Sunday and we were invited by the lady of the house, Forouzan, to share lunch with her and her husband Amir, her parents and brother Poriya. We’d planned to stay here for a few days anyway, so we said yes. Unfortunately her parents didn’t speak much English and our Farsi was limited to saying thank you, please and bread. But we felt at ease with each other, showing videos and pictures and with the others speaking both languages, we got to know each other a little better. It turned out it had been her father’s birthday a few days before, so we went to get cake and flowers in the evening as a surprise. They even made Klaas and I dance to Dutch music…
On Saturday Forouzan dropped us off at the large (Imam) square of the city center. A very persistent but funny guy talked us into his carpet shop. He gave us tea and told us all kinds of things about the handmade carpets. He even showed us how to make a small package of it, so we could take them on the motorbikes. Or even better, we didn’t need the motorbikes anymore, he had flying carpets with gps. We thanked him and went to the mosque. After walking around for a bit we had a short conversation with a clergyman. He asked about religion in The Netherlands and the differences. So I made it clear to him that women have free choice in my country, I can decide which clothes I put on my body and I do have the possibility to ride a bicycle, horse or a motorbike. Unfortunately it wasn’t really a discussion and I think he wasn’t really hearing our answers.
After walking around in the huge bazaar for a while we took a taxi back to the guesthouse. I badly needed a haircut and Forouzan would take me to a salon. This was a nice experience, mainly to see that, even though it was behind closed doors, women could dress the way they wanted and also have short hair. Meanwhile, Klaas relaxed at the guesthouse and had a nice talk with Poriya. Back at the guesthouse we baked and ate pancakes with Amir and Klaas and had nice conversations until it was time to go to bed.
On Sunday, after a breakfast full of love, it was time to go to church. Isfahan has an Armenian neighbourhood with the Vank cathedral and a museum, which we both visited. It was nice for a change to walk around in an area with a more European feel to it. But we had a tight schedule that day, so we didn’t lounge in one of the cosy looking cafes.
After having Beryani for lunch (a flat bread filled with minced lamb) we visited the palace Chehel Sotoun. This one is famous for its 20 wooden pillars which reflect in the pond in front of it. But we definitely chose the wrong time to visit, with the sun right behind the building and too much movement in the water. But still, it was nice to see a different style of decoration (no blue tiles) with mirrors in the ceilings and colourful paintings on the wall.
All this looking around made us thirsty, so we went to Azadegan teahouse. This place is stuffed, it looks like a bazaar. Iran is crazy about saffron, so it was an easy choice to take saffron ice cream. And because alcohol is forbidden they get creative with juice. We chose some distilled (according to the menu) colourful drink with chia seed. They love rose water by the way. We drank this a lot as well, with water, ice cubes and sugar.
We’d had a bit of a rest and it was starting to get dark. We had one last thing on our list for today. The Zayandeh river runs through Isfahan and some interesting bridges cross it. During the evening they are nicely lit and underneath some of them people gather to sing and make music together. It got crowded with all the people having picnics near the bridges. Nice atmosphere.
Back at the guesthouse we finished the day with some more talk in the yard and a delicious cup of saffron tea.
On the second day of Octobre we took a day off. Relaxing in the garden, doing a bit of reading and website “work”. We were served a delicious lunch and in the evening we ate falafel together with Amir and Forouzan. We felt good around these people, so we decided to stay another day. This day I had another Iran experience, which I would feel for a few more days after… I went to Hamam with Forouzan and her mom. We had fun together and it was hard to say no to her mom’s offer to have dinner at her house the next evening and say goodbye to her. It was time to move on. We had one last dinner together with our new friends, or as they like to say, family. And in the morning, after eating breakfast with a stone in my stomach, it was time to hug them goodbye… We finally got on our motorbikes, exchanged one more hug and were about to leave. Then Forouzan explained to us that, according to tradition, they would throw water behind us for a safe journey. How nice, we could definitely use that in Iran!

On the way to Shiraz we went. We spent the night in Yasuj, had a look at Margoon waterfalls the next day and arrived at another guesthouse with super friendly people, Mehi and Mahmoud. Hence the name: Friendly Hostel. We also met Rogier again, whom we had met in Azerbaijan before, and had dinner together.
The next day we explored Shiraz together and again we had dinner with Rogier and two other Dutch guys, Tom and Mark, who also stayed in the guesthouse.
On Saturday morning Mahmoud took us to the Pink Mosque. We thought we were early, but unfortunately we weren’t the only ones. After a quick walk around the place we jumped into his car again and went to Persepolis and Necropolis. As an official guide Mahmoud knew a lot about it, had a nice way of sharing his knowledge with us and the virtual reality glasses made it all the more real. Back at the hostel we again had some interesting conversations with Mehi and Mahmoud and watched a football match on television. Until recently it was completely forbidden for women to go to a stadium for a football match. Unfortunately somebody had to die first to change this a little bit.
After exchanging a few hugs again, we left Shiraz the next day to go to Abarkuh and walked around a 4500 year old cypress. Again we stayed in a really nice traditional guesthouse, where we got treated with kebab by the owner. They had a meeting with other guesthouse managers from the area.
I had been thinking about it for a few days, but that day I decided I would go back to Isfahan, back to my new sister. This would be my only chance, as we were going to Yazd, which was closer to Isfahan again. I booked two bus tickets, one for the next day and one for the day after. And I texted Amir to tell him about the surprise. I was excited. He told me it would be their wedding anniversary and he would wait for me for dinner. Luckily they eat dinner at around nine, so that would be perfect.
It was only a short ride to Yazd. Forouzan had told us about another nice guesthouse, Tarooneh hotel, so that’s where we went. We could park our motorbikes in the hallway, I had a shower, kissed Klaas goodbye for a little over 24 hours and took a taxi to the bus station.
After five hours of driving I arrived in Isfahan, and just before nine I took another taxi.
It happened to be the slowest driver in Iran. He even stopped for minutes along the highway to look on the phone for directions. I was biting my nails by then, because I knew a hungry family was waiting for me. Except they didn’t know. Luckily I knew the labyrinth of the neighbourhood by then, so I told the driver where to go and ten minutes past nine I finally arrived at the door of Nargol House.
The surprise was successful and we spent some valuable time together. That evening they had already decided they would not let me go back by bus, they would come with me, we would surprise Klaas and they would also spend the night in Yazd. So the next day after lunch at Forouzan’s parents home we got in the car. On the way we visited a 400 year old caravanserai and we were able to see different rooms, the restaurant with a 400 year old table and even the roof. With the sun starting to set we had some nice views.
We arrived in Yazd, only to find out Klaas had gone out for dinner. Great, but of course, he didn’t expect me back before midnight. Now we had to go and look for him. Part of the surprise gone. But we found each other in the end and luckily he had not eaten yet.
The next day we had our personal tour guide in Yazd, famous for its wind towers. It’s an inventive system which causes air flow, to keep the houses cool. Amir had studied for a few years in the city and knew where to go. We had a fun and relaxed day together and they decided to stay another night. Inevitably we had to say goodbye again the next morning, which was even harder this time. We made it “see you again”. Somewhere, somehow, someday. Again some water was thrown after us when we took off.


We made it safely to Meymand. Mehi from Shiraz told us about this ancient rock house village. The houses are hand-dug, and some have been inhabited for 3000 years already. After we changed clothes in our cosy “room” we got tea and freshly harvested pistache served in the restaurant. And we met the other guests, a young family of three from Lithuania. Together we got a walking tour through town from one of our hosts. They originally came from Tehran and decided to completely change their lives and started the guesthouse. I guess they succeeded in that.
We saw a Zoroastrian fire temple, a bathing house with a museum, a mosque and we climbed up the hill to have a good view of the village. While walking around we learned about the way of life of the people here. They move with their cattle and the seasons to higher or lower grounds. None of the houses has a shower or toilet, they (and us) all use the general one.

When we wanted to leave in the morning, finally we were quite early for a change, Klaas noticed the fuel bottle of our stove was gone. We had asked if it was safe to leave the bags on the motorbikes and they assured us with a “Yes, we have camera surveillance.”
Bummer, this is really inconvenient, because the bottle belongs to the stove and now it would be useless. It would be difficult to find another one around here.
But our host started making some phone calls. First he wanted to see the videos of the camera’s. It was a Friday, so nobody picked up the phone. He called the head office, but it would take a few hours to get the right person. Meanwhile, the Lithuanian family was waiting with us to pay their bill and leave, and a German woman joined us for a chat. Not all conversations with people we meet are interesting for us, of course, but this one got better and better. When I told her what we were waiting for, she asked me “Is it a red bottle and does it look dangerous?” Yes! She had seen some kids walking around with it the night before and a man took it from them.
Our host had a clue, good thing it was a small village. He called the man, who told him he gave the bottle to somebody else. He called the somebody else, who kept the bottle in his house, only this man was not there. But he called his son and after a few minutes a small motorbike arrived with a guy and our red bottle. Amazing.
We shook hands, let people take some more selfies and left for Kerman. Along the way we went to see the Rageh canyon.
Our trip towards the Pakistan border had started. From now on it wouldn’t be too much fun anymore, just functional riding. In Bam we visited the citadel, just before sunset. This was quite an impressive site, because of its size. Our last stop in Iran was Zahedan. We could already see quite a difference in the way people dress and we hardly saw any women in the streets. I didn’t feel comfortable, but our host told us, the people dress traditionally, but think modern. That afternoon I started thinking about our few weeks in Iran. I would have loved to stay longer, but seasons don’t wait for us, so we want to move on as well.


We left Iran with mixed feelings. It’s a beautiful country in terms of nature, the ancient and rich culture, the music, the sound of the language, the delicious food and its sincerely friendly people. This is the country you get to see if you look through the eyes of the bus tourist.
What made travelling in this country intense is all the conversations we had with different people, who didn’t choose to be born in a country with such strict rules. People who have to spend their lives in a kind of open-air prison. They can not dress the way they want, not behave the way they feel like, not do the things they dream about.
We talked about the frustrations and stress they face every day, because of everything that is forbidden. They can hardly build on anything. Before they realise, what they thought they had, evaporates before their eyes. Even their own home is not always safe and the “rules” can change at any time, without a given explanation.
It must be so difficult to live in these circumstances, without a solid base you can build your life on. Without the assurance of having a more relaxed life in the future. An unfair game of power is going on. And all they can do is live by the day, and hope that something will improve during their lifetime. All we can do is hope with them as hard as we can.

I didn’t sleep well for a few nights. Feeling sorry for all these fantastic people. Knowing we had to leave them behind. But I also felt some kind of guilt. Us poking their eyes out with our adventure, enjoying the country they hate so much. Me as a woman on a motorbike, riding around in a country where women are not allowed to do this. Once again it made me realise how lucky I am I was born in The Netherlands.

Originally posted: November 14th 2019

Iran, country of mixed feelings Meer lezen »

Kyrgyzstan, expect the unexpected

No power. We’re in the capital of Uzbekistan and the power went down. Already for half an hour. Nobody really seems to care. It’s a normal thing in Central Asia. One of the normal things around here.
As normal as not having a toilet inside your house. Or running water. And without running water, also no hot shower of course. And when they do have running water inside the house, there’s no guarantee it will be hot anyway. Or the pressure will be enough to get wet in the first place. There you are, completely ready and naked to step into a warm and firm jet of water. Or that’s what it’s like in your fantasy. You open the tap, hoping for the water to be warm quickly. And nothing happens. At all. Bummer.

Ah, the lights went back on. And so did wifi. I’m surprised how often we do have wifi. Sometimes even in places where they don’t have a fixed phone line. Everybody owns a mobile phone. It’s funny to see the shepherds on their horse or mule, with dirty old clothes, looking like they came out of another world, but talking into a smartphone.

About a week ago, we were still in Kyrgyzstan, we did a hike and afterwards I wanted to take a shower at our guesthouse. In theory this was possible, because they built a small bathroom with a boiler in the garden. Especially for the guests. Next to the toilet, somewhere in the back of the garden. They dig a big hole, cover it with planks, or sometimes concrete, with a small hole in the middle to aim for. They build some kind of walls around it, with available material, and a roof, and put a bin inside for the paper. And with a little bit of luck they provide water, so you can flush. Or wash your hands. I’m still not sure what to use it for… It’s either in a lemonade bottle, a kettle, or a plastic watering can.
Back to the shower. It crossed my mind to try the tap first, before taking off my clothes, as I was already getting a little bit cold. But I didn’t and so I got a bit disappointed soon. I didn’t shower the day before and could use one. So I put my clothes back on and told the hostess no water came out of the tap. She was surprised and apologised shamefully and told me to wait 10 minutes. I thought she had to turn a switch or something and I had to wait for the water to get warm. I did have to wait for the water to get warm, as she put a kettle on the stove. When she came to get me she was carrying a bucket with a really big spoon inside and we walked to the shower. She put the bucket inside the bathroom and finally I understood this was my shower. I asked to be sure and was laughing at my own silliness.
But, I have to admit, I enjoyed this experience. In the end I was clean and warm. And as I didn’t know how much water was available, I only used half the bucket, which the lady was pleasantly surprised about. I told her smiling “cheap shower” and she apologised again.

Kyrgyzstan, land of nomadic people. Land of shepherds and yurts and horses, cold water, lakes and mountains. Lots of mountains. And they all look different. And amazing.
Monday the 12th of August we entered the country. Our hostel in Osh was close to Dolce Vita restaurant and so we (still with Bert and Roberto) spoiled ourselves with pizza, pasta, steak and white wine that night. This was delicious after weeks of old bread, noodle soup and lots of tea, cola and water.
Unfortunately Klaas was pretty ill the next day so after buying some fresh vitamins in the supermarket we pretty much stayed in the room the rest of the day. To our surprise Friedrich showed up that afternoon and in the evening he took us out for dinner as a thank you to Bert and Roberto for getting him through Bartang Valley safely. It was a fun night, except for the fact that Klaas was in bed.
We could use some more rest after the Pamir Highway and I didn’t mind having another quiet day at the hostel. I created order in the photo chaos on the laptop and in the evening we went out for dinner with four other motorbikers. It was another fun night with good food.
But then I got bored. We still needed a map of the Stan countries and I went to look for it, armed with my photo camera. Osh isn’t a really inspiring city, but in the end I took some nice pictures in a park. And I didn’t find a map.
On Friday Klaas felt fit enough to go to the garage for the maintenance we had planned. We both got a new rear tire and fresh engine oil. We did some cleaning and greasing and socialized with the other travelers who were working on their motorbikes. In the evening we met most of them again at Dolce Vita.
We were about to leave Sunday morning and start to enjoy Kyrgyzstan, but the evening before Klaas saw my tire was put on backwards. Silly mistake, I should have checked at the garage. On Sunday the garage was closed, so we had to wait until Monday. Bummer. I tried to make it a useful day after all by gluing the soles of my motorcycle boots. They had let go in the burning Tadzjik sun.
So finally, after a week in Osh we started to put our stuff on the motorbikes, but this time I didn’t feel well at all. We still went back to the garage and while they put my tire on the right way, I got rid of my breakfast. I felt slightly better afterwards, so we took off. We drove until Jalalabad, where we knew the asphalt would soon end. We found a place with a really big garden and got treated with fresh fruit and green tea. In the evening we had a nice conversation with the owner of the house. He’d worked for a Swiss company and spoke English very well. We learned some more about the country and their traditions.

The next morning we had to climb the 3000 m Kaldamo pass. We really enjoyed the fantastic wide and mountainous views and tried not to hit any sheep, goat or cow along the way. We succeeded and spent the night in the tent in a river valley.
This day I expected to see asphalt. As I wrote somewhere, we travel to expect the unexpected. But sometimes you just don’t! Boy was I disappointed. And mad. The washboard road was even worse than Pamir. The motorbike bounces in all directions and the vibrating sounds travel through your body towards your ears. You can’t see clearly either and that’s not just because of dust. The rear wheel loses grip all the time and just turns around without accelerating the bike. To make it even worse they put gravel on the washboards. A nice and thick layer, which makes you feel like you’re riding on ice. The front and back of the bike seem to completely try to find their own way. And that’s quite scary actually. And it drains the energy out of you fast, if it lasts too long. From the corners of your eyes you see fractions of beautiful pictures, but all you really see is ridges and gravel.
So we had no choice but to stop and catch our breaths every once in a while and to enjoy the views. Finally we made it to Baetov at the end of the day.
On Thursday the 22nd we went for Tash Rabat. Again over an unpaved pass, some dry river beds and gorgeous surroundings. At one point, riding standing on the pegs, I felt something slightly touching my hand. I thought it was weird for a rock to jump up that high, and saw the handguard was still in place, and my phone as well. It took a few moments to realize my mirror was also sick of all the bumps. Klaas was so kind to go back and try to find it for me. And he did. After a visit to the 15th? century caravanserai Tash Rabat and dinner, we made ourselves comfortable around the stove in our yurt. Trying to read was rather difficult though, as the moths really liked the lighted screen of my e-reader and turned the pages before I wanted them to.
After breakfast and some talking with Polish guys on motorbikes we left for Naryn. Luckily this was an easy ride and in the afternoon we made an appointment for Saturday, at the CBT office. This is short for Community Based Tourism and they have offices all around Kyrgyzstan. They function as a tourist info centre and also help to get the money to the right people by organising tours, selling locally made souvenirs and helping to arrange accommodation.
But the Saturday morning also didn’t go as expected. We heard a lot of no’s.
It started with: “Did you sleep well?” NO. Nice breakfast? NO. We saw body massage offered on the message board of our pension. So I asked if it was possible that evening. NO. And because CBT had phoned if we could stay at this place, let’s ask if we can for sure stay two nights. Good thing we did, because the answer was NO. And we had to leave for our appointment in five minutes. Now what?
We packed our bags and could leave them to pick them up later. So finally a yes. Now let’s hurry to the CBT office. Only three minutes late, I wasn’t really surprised to not see our taxi yet. But there was a girl in front of the office. “Did you book horse riding for today?” Yes we did. NOt possible today. Because a lot of rain fell that night, the waterfall and river would be too big and dangerous.
Luckily this CBT has wifi and real coffee, so we sat down inside for a while. In the meanwhile they had booked us a new place for two nights, and I downloaded a citywalk. A guy from the office took us to our new place and from there we started the citywalk. We learned a few things about the city, which was nice. And I repaired my fallen off mirror. In the evening we ate a really good shashlik in a yurt.
On Sunday morning, back to CBT. Again, our booked ride wasn’t possible, because it was still raining in the mountains. But this time they offered us an alternative and after a cup of tea we left for a small village in a valley at about an hour drive. When we arrived the guide was already there and he went to get horses from all corners of the village. We climbed our horses and took off, together with a young guy who came with us in the car. He was our translator and every now and then he told us something about the country, or environment, or Manas, the country hero. We had lunch next to the river, between the trees when a wedding couple arrived. We had to take pictures with them and have some of the traditional bread, but I’m not sure they really liked it. In the afternoon we were spoiled with soup, tea and sweets in a yurt camp, where the son of our taxi driver had his wedding party.
On the way back we had a different driver with a different car. He stopped twice to check on his front right tire and by the third time he finally decided it was leak. It appeared his spare also didn’t contain enough air, but luckily a flat tire is no exception in this area. Soon enough a car drove by with a pump. And we made it back to Naryn safely and before dark.
Monday we left Naryn and went to Son Kul lake. Looking for some quietness and fresh air we climbed another pass, which was quite difficult. Steep, rocky with a lot of loose stones and about 50 switchbacks we made it without dropping the bike. I was proud of myself. It was hard work, but I’m finally starting to learn I guess. We drove about halfway around the lake and found a nice place a little up the hill, to put our tent. In the distance we could see the horses drink from the lake in the setting sun. Amazing. Colours started changing and I walked around a bit, looking for nice pictures. “Spying” on the nomads and the cattle around the smoking yurts.
After a silent night and a quiet morning with a book I left for a hike into the mountains. I really enjoyed it. Cows and horses all around, a cowboy here and there. Being on my own again for a little while, enjoying the environment and finally, after deciding I climbed enough for the day, my book. I had just put away my camera and laid down to start reading, when a really big bird of prey came circling right above my head. I noticed because I could hear the wind flow over its wings. So it was quite close by, probably to see if I would be a nice afternoon snack. I quickly and carefully tried to get my camera from my bag, but of course the bird took off before I was ready.
The next day we left the wonderful lake and after four hours of off-road riding we hit the asphalt road and went to Bishkek. We chose a hostel and got a dorm room where I thought I recognized a diary lying on the floor. These shiny things are getting popular is what I thought, because it couldn’t be Martina’s, could it? She was in Mongolia?? Apparently she wasn’t anymore as we bumped into her a few minutes later. What a coincidence! So we enjoyed each other’s company for the evening and she left to fly home in the middle of the night.
In Bishkek we had some visa missions. We had already applied for the Iran visas and had to pick them up at the embassy. This was an easy job. We took a taxi, I covered my hair with a towel, we got a piece of paper, had to walk to the bank to pay, had to walk back to the embassy and half an hour later the visas were in our possession. Now we could apply for the Turkmenistan transit visa. Because they want to be sure you leave their country, you have to be able to show evidence of your transit plans. And so we did on Friday morning. We took another taxi, were allowed inside a gate, handed over some forms and photos at a small window, got another form to fill in, and a bill to pay at a bank 2 km from the embassy. We went back to the embassy, gave all the papers they needed and now we had to wait. For a week, or two. Nobody knew. Maybe we had to get the visas in Tashkent, maybe we could take the email confirmation to the border. It changes all the time…
As glueing my motorcycle boots failed miserably I had to look for an alternative in the afternoon. The motorcycle shop I went to told me they order their boots in Europe, so that didn’t help me much. Luckily someone we met before told me about a good outdoor shop and they had a nice pair of hiking boots in my (small) size.

The 31st of August was Independence Day in Bishkek, and Azema from the hostel organized a day with traditional food preparing, Boorsok (bread) and Plov (rice and meat) and tasting Kumis (fermented mare’s milk) and Maksym (fermented grains drink) and of course Vodka. In the afternoon we went into the city, to see some parks and after dinner we went to see a concert and fireworks at Ala Too square. It was a fun day with the mostly French speaking other guests and Azema’s friend who came to help with translation.

After five nights in Bishkek it was time to get moving again. We drove about 200 cold, but interesting kilometres and ended up in a motel in Suusamyr. Where they put on the generator to have some light in the evening. Again, no running water, no heating, and no inside toilet, but this time, some kind of sweet red wine. Which did the heating job for a while.
Via a few detours and a hike in a walnut forest in Arslanbob we eventually ended up in Osh again. At first we weren’t going all the way back to Osh, because we wanted to go to Tashkent more directly. But because of some neighbourly issues they closed several border crossings between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, or they’re only open for locals or travelers on foot or by bicycle. But now I was happy with this detour. When riding into town, slowly with all the traffic, and hot, my engine started to stutter and stalled a few times. After a little cooling down it was fine again. So we went to Muztoo (garage) again, to get our air filters cleaned and oiled.
A week after we applied for the Turkmenistan visa we arrived in Tashkent. We didn’t have email confirmation yet, so we waited for a little while and explored Tashkent a bit. We visited the bazaar, which is always interesting in a different way, and also the train museum, which Klaas really liked.
Thursday the 12th we received good news when Klaas called the Turkmenistan embassy in Bishkek, they approved our visa application! Yes! Happy about this, because now we can finally go to Iran, without having to take planes, trains, boats or whatever to get out of the Stan countries.
So we left Tashkent and went to Samarkand where we had some parts for the motorbikes delivered at Bahodir hostel by our friend Kees. We were welcomed back with big smiles at the hostel, but they didn’t have our package. Now what?
We knew by the tracking code it had to be in Samarkand, so the search started. First online with DHL, but that didn’t help me much further on Friday night. On Saturday morning I phoned the post office, but the answering machine said they were closed. So I got on the motorbike and went to the office anyway. I already knew where it was because it was the same office from where I sent a birthday present to my niece Sophie, a few months ago. When I got there I had to wait for a while, because the lady behind the counter was preparing a package. I thought she was done when everything was in the box, but I was mistaken. She went back into the storage room and came out with a piece of cotton cloth. She fitted it around the box and again went back into the storage room. I could hardly believe my eyes when she came back and had sewn the cotton, put the box in it and sewed the open side by hand! When the wax stamps had to dry, she finally put her attention to me. I showed her all the information I had on the phone, tracking code and my name and things like that. She told me the package was still in Tashkent. As her colleague was walking around with carbon paper I don’t think I need to tell you she didn’t have a computer on her desk to put in the tracking code. But I definitely wanted her to try a little better. When I started to think I wouldn’t get any further here, since my Russian is only a tiny bit better since I left home, she picked up the phone and started talking. In the meanwhile I was desperately trying to find the address it had been sent to, I forgot to note this down. But then I heard my first name and the street name I also recognized. She started smiling and at that point an English speaking man came in and explained to me I had to go to another office, which was new and not on the map yet. They would wait for me, because at one o’clock their lunch break would normally start. I was happy the package wasn’t in Tashkent after all, said many thanks to the helpful people and hurried to the edge of town. After a little search in the area, two schoolgirls pointed me in the right direction and when I entered the small building another lady started smiling while saying my name. After showing my passport and signing a small form I got the parts and at 1.02 pm I was back at the motorbike. Funny detail, apparently tonight someone from the post office (on a Sunday night??) handed over a piece of paper at the hostel saying where and when I could pick up the package. No need for that anymore.
Yesterday we got the email confirmation from the Turkmenistan embassy, so nothing will keep us in Uzbekistan any longer. It’s time to move on and add some new countries to our already long list! On to new and unexpected adventures. But not every day…

Originally posted: September 16th 2019

Kyrgyzstan, expect the unexpected Meer lezen »

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